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BA.IB - International Business

Alexandra White (Economics, Accounting, and Management department head and program director), Elizabeth Steding (Modern Languages and Cultures department head and program director)

The international business minor is multidisciplinary, requiring language proficiency, completion of designated accounting, economics and management courses, and an international study experience.

Required for a minor: ECON 130, 248, and 262 or 362; ACCTG 120; MGT 360; a foreign language phonetics/conversation or business language course; an additional foreign language course at the 300 level or above; and a language immersion experience.

Language immersion experience: a minimum of 12 weeks of academic study in a country where the official language is the student's language of study. In addition, the academic courses must be taught in the student's language of study. Students must obtain the language section head's pre-approval of the study abroad program.

Only two of the six courses in the minor may also satisfy the requirements of either the accounting (ACCTG 120 and ECON 130), management (ACCTG 120 and ECON 130), or economics major (ECON 130 and 248). Students pursuing a minor in international business cannot use MGT 360 to satisfy a management major elective course requirement.

Because of duplication of courses, students will not be allowed to complete both a management minor and an international business minor.

Students with a language minor and international business minor cannot use a phonetics/conversation or business language course to satisfy requirements in both minors.

Students will be allowed to satisfy the MGT 360 course requirement with a suitable, pre-approved transfer course completed during a semester study abroad program.

International students for whom English is a second language may petition in writing for a waiver of the minor's foreign language immersion requirement if they intend to minor in their first language. Native-speaker proficiency does not count for course credit; proficiency in the language, determined by appropriate testing, waives the foreign language but does not earn course credit. Students should consult with the department of Modern Languages and Cultures for further explanation of a native-speaker's language proficiency.