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BA.GER - German

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Nancy Gates Madsen (department head), Elizabeth Steding (section head), Sören Steding (Münster program director)

Required for a major: 32 hours, including 8 hours in German above 300; up to eight hours may have English as the language of instruction (with prior approval by the German program); credit-bearing language immersion experience; an oral proficiency examination in German. Writing requirement completed with GER 330, GER 340, GER 460 or GER 470.

Recommended supporting courses for students majoring in German: Courses in German history; politics and anthropology; courses in another modern or classical language; courses in linguistics.

Required for a minor: No fewer than 18 hours, including four hours above 300; credit-bearing language immersion experience; an oral proficiency examination in German.

Language immersion experience: For majors, a minimum of one semester of academic study in a country where German is an official language. For minors, at least one January Term (or a similar program) of academic study in such a country, although a semester is strongly recommended. Program selection must be approved by the department for all majors and minors prior to departure. Luther College offers a semester program in Münster, Germany, every other year (2026, 2028). However, other programs may also fulfill this requirement. All majors and minors are strongly urged to help maintain and advance their language skills by completing courses in German during their final semesters at Luther.

Language Learning Center

The department of Modern Languages and Cultures has a Language Learning Center in Main Building. Language students have access to language learning materials, tutoring, computers and printers, and video study rooms. The Language Learning Center also houses the department's Foreign Language Media Library with over 800 foreign language films and a selection of leisure reading books and audio books for language learners. Students can check out these materials as well as audio and video equipment for their class assignments. The Language Learning Center also provides language students with valuable work-study experiences related to their interest in languages.