BA.MATH - Mathematics
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Mike Johnson (department head)
The department offers two majors: mathematics and mathematics/statistics.
Mathematics is the study of patterns and relationships between variable quantities. We use mathematical functions to model natural phenomena and social behavior, then analyze those functions to give quantitative and qualitative descriptions of relationships between variables. We use logic to prove new theorems from accepted axioms. Mathematics pairs well with other majors for students planning careers in engineering, physics, computer science, or business.
Statistics is the science of reasoning from uncertain empirical data. Statisticians build mathematical models to solve problems in business, the natural sciences and the social sciences. The intent of the mathematics/statistics major is to provide adequate preparation to attend graduate school in statistics or to pursue a career such as actuary, data scientist, statistical analyst, etc.
Requirements for majors:
Mathematics major. CS 150 or 160; MATH 150; 152; 220; 200 or 240; 253; and 215 or 322 or 327. A minimum of eight courses (32 credits) in mathematics numbered 200 or above, including at least three courses (12 credits) in mathematics numbered 300 or above. No more than 4 credits of internships (Math 380, or similar approved mathematics or statistics focused internship) may count towards the mathematics major. No more than two of MATH 215, 271, 322, 327, 328 can count toward the mathematics major.
Mathematics/Statistics major. CS 150 or CS 160; MATH 150; 152; 220; 200 or 240; 253; 215 or 271; 322; 327; 328; and any 200+ elective in mathematics or an approved elective in a related field (such as ACCTG 320, BIO 356, DS 320, 420, ECON 342, MGT 320, PSYCH 355) that focuses on applications of statistical methods and/or presentation of data in other fields. This correlative course should go beyond the typical introductory statistics course in that field (BIO 256, ECON 242, MGT 250, PSYCH 350, or SOC 350 cannot be used to satisfy this correlative requirement). An approved internship in mathematics or statistics (at least 4 credits) can also meet this elective requirement. A student may not major in both mathematics and mathematics/statistics.
Mathematics minor. At least six courses (24 credits) in mathematics, including Math 150; 152; two of MATH 200, 215, 220, or 240; and two additional courses, of which at least one is numbered 200 or above. A student majoring in Mathematics or Mathematics/statistics or minoring in statistics, cannot get a mathematics minor.
Statistics minor. At least six courses (24 credits) including MATH 150; MATH 200 or 240; three of MATH 215, 271, 322, 327, 328; and an elective course (4 credits) in mathematics or an approved correlative course such as ACCTG 320, BIO 256, 356, CS 150, 160, DS 120 or higher, ECON 242, 342, MGT 150, 250, 320, PSYC 350, SOC 350, or VC 150. A student majoring or minoring in Mathematics or majoring in Mathematics/statistics, cannot get a statistics minor.
Suggested courses by area of interest:
Actuarial Science: Mathematics/Statistics major, ECON 247 and 248, MGT 353 and 365, additional courses in CS or DS.
Physics/Engineering: MATH 152, 200 or 240, 250, 351 are required for Physics; MATH 215, 253, 452, 456, are great electives.
Preparation for graduate study in mathematics: MATH 351, 454, 471 and as many other mathematics courses that can fit into your schedule.
Computer Science/Data Science: MATH 150, 200 or 240, 215, 220, 327, 328, 361, 471.
Secondary Education: Math 215, 360, 365, 471. See Education Department for requirements for a secondary education minor.
NOTE: Students should not enroll in any math course if they earned below a C- in a prerequisite course.
First-Year Placement
The mathematics department placement procedure uses high school records, scores on outside standardized tests, and a placement test as a basis for a recommendation.
We have two main introductory courses in statistical methods. MATH 115: Introduction to Statistics is designed for students who do not plan on taking calculus, and MATH 215: Data Analysis is designed for students who have already completed Calculus 1 (MATH 150 or higher)
There are multiple courses available for students planning to take calculus. Students with strong algebra and precalculus skills should begin with the course MATH 150: Calculus in Context. Students who have taken some calculus, but feel they would benefit from encountering the material again are welcome. Students who need calculus for their major but whose placement indicates they need a review of algebra and precalculus should start in MATH 140: Limits and Derivatives. Students whose math placement suggests they require more in-depth review of algebra should complete MATH 100 before registering for MATH 140. Students who have completed a year of calculus in high school and perform well on the Advanced Placement AB Exam or the calculus portion of the mathematics placement test should start in MATH 152: Calculus II or MATH 215. Students who perform well on the Advanced Placement BC Exam should start in MATH 200, 215, 220 or 240.
Advanced Placement Credit
A student will receive credit for MATH 150 with a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Calculus AB Exam. A student will receive credit for MATH 150 and MATH 152 with a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Calculus BC Exam. A student will receive credit for MATH 150 with an IB Mathematics HL score of 4-7.
A student who places into MATH 152 will receive, upon completion of the course with a grade of C or better, a waiver satisfying any Luther College requirement or prerequisite for the preceding calculus course, MATH 150 (if credit has not already been awarded through AP or transfer credit).
A student who has completed coursework covering the full contents of Calculus I and/or II may petition the head of the mathematics department, upon completion of an approved 200-level Math course with a grade of C or better, to receive a waiver satisfying any Luther College requirement or prerequisite for the preceding calculus course(s) MATH 150 and/or MATH 152 (if credit has not already been awarded through AP or transfer credit). Approval of the petition will depend upon whether the student has previously covered the full content of Calculus I and/or II.
A student who achieves a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Statistics Exam will receive credit for MATH 115.
NOTE: AP credit for MATH 115 or MATH 150 satisfies the all-college requirement for Data Literacy (DTA-L).