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BA.MUED - Music Education

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Elliott Johnson (Education department head), Jill Wilson (program director)

All completers of the Luther Teacher Education Program are eligible for a license to teach in Iowa. See the Luther College Education website for information regarding licensure in other states. For complete information regarding the education programs and licensure requirements at Luther, consult the Education Department website. Changes in Iowa state requirements appear periodically, so printed material may be out of date; the Education Department endeavors to keep the departmental website updated. Be sure to consult the Teacher Education Program Handbook. All students pursuing licensure in education must be aware that their course selections will have an impact on the length of their programs and their certification. For this reason, it is important that these students maintain regular contact with their advisors and with the Music Education Program Director.

Important information for all students interested in the teacher education program:

  • Students must be approved for the Teacher Education Program before they are permitted to register for 300-400 level courses in the education department. Transfer students should see the Education Department Chair.

  • Completed Teacher Education Program applications are due October 1 or March 1 for admission consideration.

  • The Education Department and all program area departments review teacher education candidates.

To be licensed to teach, a student must successfully complete the education program at Luther College. There are three levels of approval within the Teacher Education Program: admission to teacher education, approval for the professional semester, and approval for licensure.

A. Admission to the Teacher Education Program (required before taking any courses at or above the 300-level)

  1. 2.75 minimum overall GPA.

  2. Pass the following courses with a minimum of a "C":

    • MUED 101

    • MUED 102

    • EDUC 220

    • EDUC 221

    • MUED 232

  3. Three recommendations from faculty (at least one from students' major field of study) and staff.

  4. Approval of the candidate by all program-area departments and the Education Department.

  5. Satisfactory completion of the introductory portfolio by set deadlines.

  6. Students desiring to teach music must have passed piano proficiency or currently be enrolled in MUS 117 or applied study.

B. Approval for the professional semester (student teaching)

All music education majors are required to have a practicum that includes students from diverse backgrounds and are required to student teach both at the elementary and secondary grade levels.

Approval by all program-area departments, and the Education Department.

  1. A 2.75 cumulative GPA and 2.75 minimum GPA in program area coursework.

    • completion of methods coursework in their field of study plus 90 percent of their major requirements before the student teaching semester.

  1. Attend a professional semester application meeting that is appropriate for your professional semester:

    • Fall student teachers' meeting: The year before you wish to student teach, regardless of whether you will student teach in the fall or spring.

    • An additional meeting: One semester before you wish to student teach.

  1. Satisfactory completion of a developing portfolio by set deadlines.

C. Approval for licensure after completion of the teacher education program, professional semester, and graduation from Luther College.

Luther College prepares students to be eligible for licensure in the state of Iowa. Luther students are also eligible to receive a preliminary license in most states. All students must complete the Luther College program and meet the Iowa requirements, regardless of the state in which the student plans to eventually teach, in order to be approved for licensure. Check with the Education Department for your particular program. Each state regulates certification rules for teacher licensing. It is the student's responsibility to monitor the requirements for licensure outside of Iowa and discuss them with his or her advisor as necessary. These rules change often; therefore, for licensure outside Iowa, the best source for information is the state department of education website for your preferred state. See the link on our licensure page. Luther College program completion requirements are:

  1. Completion of Bachelor of Arts degree, which includes the acquisition of a core of liberal arts knowledge, including English composition, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities.

  2. Achievement of a 2.75 minimum final overall GPA and 2.75 minimum final GPA in all program areas - including Education Department coursework. Please note: Music education majors must earn a grade of "C" or above in all content and pedagogy (MUS, MUED, and EDUC) courses plus PAID 450 U.S. Schools.

  3. Completion of all program requirements including successful completion of all required practica.

  4. Required by all states: criminal background check, fingerprinting.

  5. Successful completion of the advanced portfolio.

  6. Approval of your student teaching practicum by your student teaching supervisor and, when necessary, the Education Department. When there are concerns, the department chair works with the student's advisor and methods professors to make the final decision.

Required coursework:  Completion of Luther College All-College requirements (including PAID 450:  Making Decisions in U.S. Schools), Music Correlatives, Education Correlatives, Professional Core, Vocal or Instrumental Focus, and Electives.

Music correlatives:
MUS 121, 121L, 122, 122L, 231, 231L, 244, 250, 309 (Piano Proficiency), 345, 346, Music Ensemble Participation (6 semesters), Recital Requirement (1/2 Recital) and Music Event Attendance Requirement (6 semesters) and 7 semesters of private lesson study in the student's major applied area. Writing in the major is completed with MUS 244 and 346 (33 credits).

Education correlatives:
EDUC 220 and 221 (8 credits).

Professional Core:
MUED 101, 102, 232, 371, 471, 486, and 487 (31 credits).

Students who wish to pursue a vocal music education focus must additionally complete MUED 235, 280, 351, and 386 (8 credits).

Students who wish to pursue instrumental music education with an instrumental focus must additionally complete MUED 255, 260, 265, 270, 275, and 353 (12 credits).


Four courses to be chosen from MUED 241, 256, 373, 374, 378, 379, 380, 384, and 385 (8 credits).

a. Additional criteria for applying for admission to the teacher education program (in Music Education): (Admission to the teacher education program is a prerequisite to enrolling in education courses above 300). See also general requirements for admission to the teacher education program.

  1. Satisfactory completion of EDUC 220, 221, and MUED 232.

  2. Successful completion of piano proficiency or enrollment in MUS 117 (or applied study) during the semester of TEP application.

b. Criteria for admission to the professional semester (student teaching): See also general requirements for admission to the professional semester.

  1. Successful completion of piano proficiency. All music education majors must pass the piano proficiency exam in order to obtain final teacher education approval. Students must pass the piano proficiency exam by the end of the semester in which they apply for student teaching.

  2. Requirements listed above must be completed by the professional semester. Check the Education Department website for specific dates. If any requirement is incomplete by the professional semester application due date, the student must delay student teaching until the following approval cycle (one semester).