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BA.MUS - Music

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Heather Armstrong (co-department head) Brooke Joyce (co-department head)

Required for a major: MUS 121, 121L, 122, 122L, 231, 231L, 244, 250, 332, 332L, 345, 346, 490 (or 491 or 493), and 7 semesters of applied music study in the student's primary performance area. Writing in the major is completed with MUS 244 and 346. These courses form the music major core. A sequence of courses can be arranged to allow a student to begin a major in the sophomore year.

In addition to the courses listed above, all music majors must fulfill a recital performance requirement, an ensemble participation requirement, and a music event attendance requirement; all music majors must also pass the piano proficiency exam. Further details about these requirements may be found in the Music Department Student Guidelines.

Transfer students: Prior to initial registration, all transfer students must make an appointment with the Music department head to determine the number of music credits and other requirements for the major that will be accepted for transfer. Any transfer student expecting to graduate as a music major at Luther College must complete at least 8 hours of coursework in the department and at least 3 semesters of applied music study in the student's primary performance area while at Luther College. Additional information for transfer students may be found in the Music Department Student Guidelines.

Progress in the major: The music faculty regularly assesses the progress of all music majors and makes recommendations to students about continuing in the major.

Required for a minor: the following music theory courses: MUS 121, 121L, 122, 122L; one of the following music history or ethnomusicology courses: MUS 120, 244, 248, 345, 346; four semesters of applied music study in the student's primary performance area. A minimum of two additional elective courses (totaling 4-6 credits) are required with at least one course from the following: MUS 231/231L, 236, 237, 244, 247, 248, 250, 272, 345, 346, 445. MUS 273 and applied music do not count toward the elective requirement. The same music history or ethnomusicology class cannot fulfill both the music history/ethnomusicology requirement and the elective requirement. The instructor's permission may be required to enroll in some courses. The student must also satisfy the ensemble requirement with four semesters of participation (or an approved equivalent). The student must complete two semesters of music event attendance to be fulfilled concurrently in the semesters when the student is enrolled in applied music.

Study plans: Students are encouraged to develop supplemental study plans with their advisors in one of the following areas: church music, instrumental performance, jazz, theory/composition or vocal/opera performance. For further information, see Recommended Study Plans in the latest edition of the Music Department Student Guidelines.

Applied Music: Applied Music courses are: MUS 130, MUS 230, MUS 330, and MUS 430. One credit hour is equal to 30 minutes of instructional time per week for a full semester; 2 credit hours equals 60 minutes of instructional time per week. Attendance at studio seminars may be required. Final semester examinations before a faculty jury will be held for selected students taking applied music. See the Music Department Student Guidelines for additional information by applied area.