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BA.SPAN - Spanish

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Nancy Gates Madsen (department head), David Thompson (section head)

Required for a major: Eight courses (32 hours), starting at SPAN 201 or above. May include one elective course (up to 4 credits) taught in English and approved by the faculty in Spanish. Elective options include ANTH 101, ANTH 103, ANTH 204, COMS 333, ECON 362, GH 101, GH 201, IDS 101, POLS 132, and POLS 238. Required courses are SPAN 303, SPAN 346, SPAN 360; at least 4 courses (16 hours) above 300; language immersion experience. Writing requirement completed with SPAN 303.

Recommended supporting courses for students majoring in Spanish: Courses in Latin American history; politics and anthropology; courses in another modern or classical language.

Required for a minor: Five courses (20 hours), starting at SPAN 201 or above. Required course is SPAN 303; language immersion experience.

Language immersion experience: For majors, a minimum of 6 weeks of credit-bearing study through an approved study abroad program OR at least six weeks of credit-bearing internship in a Spanish-speaking environment. Credits earned during study away must be approved by the faculty in Spanish. For minors, at least three weeks of credit-bearing study through an approved study abroad program or January Term abroad course in Spanish, OR at least three weeks of credit-bearing internship in a Spanish speaking environment. Credits earned during study away must be approved by the faculty in Spanish. Program selection must be approved by the department for all majors and minors prior to departure. All majors and minors are encouraged to help maintain and advance their language skills by completing courses in the language during their final semesters at Luther.

Language Learning Center

The Department of Modern Languages and Cultures has a Language Learning Center in Main Building. Language students have access to language learning materials, tutoring, computers and printers, and video study rooms. The Language Learning Center also houses the department's Foreign Language Media Library with over 800 foreign language films and a selection of leisure reading books and audio books for language learners. Students can check out these materials as well as audio and video equipment for their class assignments. The Language Learning Center also provides language students with valuable work-study experiences related to their interest in languages.

For courses on teaching Spanish in the elementary grades, see Education.